A philosophical reflection (or rambling nonsence!) on the relevance of living here and now

Dear Reader,

It’s been a while…. again 🙂
I’ve been trying to think of what to write to you all, something that could be worthwhile to read for someone who gets bombarded with hundreds of emails in a day. As you know, I started a new 60% job to feed my inner “hotel receptionist”, and I love it! A perk of this job is the location, as the office is right by lake Zürich (yes, it’s one of those giant companies with a big office on Mythenquai, for you locals 😉 ). 

Yesterday I took a walk by the lake over lunch,, and for once I stopped and took a closer look at the many posters that tell the history of the lake and it’s users. The picture above is taken at Badi Mythenquai year 1933.

I looked at all those individuals on the picture, all young and full of life, enjoying a day at the beach. The same beach I was now standing on. I realised how brisk life is, and how we all just get to borrow these beaches, views, city streets, and buildings we are living and working in. 

That also made me reflect yet again on how important (and equally super hard!) it is to cherish life here and now, not just when we “have figured things out”, “lost the weight”, “got that promotion”, or “found our life goals”. It’s all happening here and now, and it matters to stop and contemplate how incredible fortunate we all are to be here right now, even if the world is chaotic (even borderline crazy) at the moment. 

So where am I going with this? 

I really want to encourage you to take inventory on what makes you feel stuck and resentful in your current situation, and at least find a solution to one of those things. Is there a possibility at all for you to change a situation, look at it from another perspective, or even let go of the need to have things “your way” in order to bring more peace and calm to your life?  

Life is so short, and it does matter what you do every single minute of it, and that includes allowing yourself to fully enjoy “mindless” or “time wasting”. activities such as “bingeing” a highly addicting Netflix series, play video games for hours, or any other activity that you would normally list in the “waste of time” category 😀 It all belongs to life, so don’t be unnecessarily hard on yourself, ok. 

I will leave you with this example that I think we can all relate to:

My dad lived to be 59 years old. He lived every single minute with so much love, presence and intensity (yes, also through the “negative” aspects of life) because I think he knew deep down that he wouldn’t be here that long. 

This profound lesson was given to me during one of those “every day” conversations at the dinner table, as my dad was getting up to call a life long friend of his. One of us asked “Why to do keep on calling him, dad? He never calls you!”. He answered ” I will call him a hundred times in a row if I have to, the only thing that matters is that we keep in touch.” 

I will never forget his words, especially on those days when I feel über-resentful! 

If you are still here and reading this sentence it means you stuck with me to the end!  Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so. 

Warm regards,

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