How have you been holding up during these weird times?
As Switzerland is slowly opening up for business again, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned during this lockdown.A big lesson that we got to practice was that most beautiful things in life are free!
• We have been taking lovely walks in nature, right on our doorstep.
• We haven’t used the local transport system or our car in 2 months!
• Coffee in a thermos has the advantage that you can sit and enjoy it anywhere you want 🙂
• “Screen coffee / After Work” has become the new normal!
• We have all the clothes, shoes, furniture etc. we can possibly need!
• Home baked tastes much nicer, and has the advantage of counting as a “fun activity with the kids” 🙂
I also learned how important it is to stay SOCIAL during this time, and only PHYSICALLY distance yourself from others. To stay connected with people you feel safe with, and talk about all those feelings that might be hard to face on your own is crucial to our mental health and physical wellbeing.How important it is to reach out to those around you that might have less social contact on a normal day, and even more so during a lockdown (like our elderly, or for other reasons housebound fellow humans).
I’ve noticed that all of a sudden meeting on screen was the easiest thing in the world! I’ve re-connected with more friends world wide during this time than ever before, and I do hope that habit is here to stay!
I’ve witnessed how incredible connected we are as humans, and how unique (and super painful) this experience has been as we have all gone through it together. It couldn’t be dismissed as something that is happening somewhere else on the planet, and therefor not relevant to me personally. We are all in it together!
I have cried floods when reading stories about people saying goodbye to their loved ones via FaceTime, about those who were unable to attend funerals or other significant family rituals, and about those that don’t have a home to self-isolate in or a job in order to provide food and shelter for their families.
I have also read beautiful stories about how communities around the world are re-connecting with each other and offering help and support in the most ingenious and innovative ways, too many to be named here.
However, there is still much to be done, and we all need to come together to heal after this, in any capacity we can <3
How can you contribute? What would make you happy and proud to offer others? What knowledge, expertise, networks and resources do you have that could be of help to others? What comes with ease for you, but might be a struggle for others? We have a huge chance now to build what we want to see more of in the world!
On a more practical note, my practice contract is coming to an end on the 31st of July 2020.
Although I absolutely LOVE connecting with people face-to-face, I’ve made the decision that (for the time being) I will take my business 100% on-line.
This means that I can serve you wherever you are in the world, no matter what time zone! I’m all set up with top of the line fiberglass internet, a lovely IKEA backdrop (a canvas picture of a gorgeous tree), and tons of lovely testimonials from clients that have only seen me on-line <3
I wish you a wonderful month of June, stay safe and healthy!
Warm regards,